Everyone should be aware of this, not just tweens and teens. Recently I became aware of a situation very close to home. If you are a Children's Librarian, a Young Adult Librarian, or a parent, you may want to guide our future, should the opportunity arise. What am I talking about? For starters, MySpace.com, and other social networking web sites. Ensure that our young people do not put too much information out there to make them easy targets. Please follow this link. http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/tech/tec14.pdf
It will take you to the Federal Trade Commission's "Social networking safteey tips for tweens and teens." Retrieved May 18, 2006 from American Libraries Direct.
Keep in mind that this is geared toward young people, however the rest of should take this information seriously as well. We tend to think it will never happen to us. Think again and
stay safe!